Tlahui-Politic. No. 8, II/1999

Puerto Rican nationalists who were granted clemency by President Clinton...

Información enviada a Mario Rojas, Director de Tlahui. Puerto Rico, a 10 de Septiembre, 1999. Homecoming!

Eleven Puerto Rican nationalists who were granted clemency by President Clinton are expected to be released Friday morning. At least two, Alejandrina Torres and Alberto Rodriguez, are expected to return to Chicago Friday afternoon, where local supporters are planning a welcoming celebration scheduled for 6:00 p.m. at La Casita de Don Pedro, 2625 W. Division St.

It is crucial that all people of conscience attend this welcoming festival, in part to telegraph to federal law enforcement that attacks upon the prisoners safety and freedom will not be tolerated by the community.

The terms of the prisoners' parole agreement forbid them from associating with convicted felons-including each other. Therefore, the prisoners are expected to travel separately to appear at the community welcoming ceremony, and each will leave the premises before the next arrives to address the audience. While only two prisoners had asked to be returned to Chicago, others may be compelled to go to Chicago rather than Puerto Rico, because they were convicted in the Northern District of the U.S. federal court.

The nationalists' families and supporters are gravely concerned that the FBI and federal law enforcement officials will seek to harass them, set them up for parole violations, or engage in COINTELPRO-style activities designed to force their return to prison. The prisoners' advocates have vowed to mount a massive legal and human rights effort to ensure their safety from law enforcement and right-wing harassment upon their release.

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From: ALM
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