Tlahui-Medic. No. 7, I/1999

Dr. Mario Rojas Alba
Founding president of the Mexican Institute for Traditional Medicine Tlahuilli A.C.

Translation by Natasha Bonilla

Common name: Papaya
Additional common names in English: Melon tree, pawpaw
Spanish common name: Papayo
Additional Common Names
Spanish: Papaya, melón papaya, put, mamón, fruta bomba, lechosa
Caribbean: ababaï
Scientific name: Carica papaya
Family: Caricaceae  

Botanical characteristics and habitat: Carica papaya L. originated in tropical countries, where it is also cultivated. Vast plantations may be found in Ceylon, Pakistan, India, Australia, East Africa and Brazil. In Mexico and Central America there are many plantations but they are smaller. This tree belongs to the Caricaceae family, and is 13 to 20 feet high (4 to 6 meters). It has spongy wood and long-petioled leaves with 7 deeply divided lobes clustered in a terminal crown. The fruits are yellow-orange like melons with a smooth surface; they may weigh up to 15.4 lb (7 kg).

Properties: Vermifuge, febrifuge, anti-inflamatory, antiparasitic, pectoral, antasthmatic, mild laxative, digestive and stomachic.

Uses in traditional medicine: Papaya has been used for the treatment of asthma and constipation. It stimulates the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. In gastric disorders involving a deficiency of gastric juices, such as dyspepsia, papaya juice is an excellent digestive. In Mexico and Central America its latex (or the leaves) is used as a vermifuge and to expel tapeworms. There are several remedies made out of a mixture of papaya latex enzymes (such as papain), which are used for afflictions of gastric and intestinal secretions. They are mainly used in cases of protein digestion deficiency. Dry and ground seeds are used together with other related plants to prepare capsules for the treatment of intestinal parasitosis.


Dissolve 15 to 20 grams of papaya juice with an equal amount of honey in a cup of water to treat intestinal parasites.
Eat the fruit in the morning before eating anything else. Repeat this procedure for three days to treat constipation.

Constituents: The most important active principle is papain, one of the six enzymes that are isolated from papaya's latex. The other enzymes are chymopapain A & B, lysozyme, callose, lipase and glutamine-cyclospherase. The fruit contains pectin, albumin ferment solvents, organic acids, resins, vitamins A, B, C, and essential oils. The fruit also contains albumen, a white resin which is contained in Caricin, nitrogenous matter, salts, essentially potassium and sodium, malic acid and traces of tannin. The latex contains ferments, mostly papain, phospholipids, peptides and amino acids. It also contains the glucoside Carpaine, which has a strong effect on the cardiac muscle. This is applied in cases of cardiac weakness and in some blood vessel-related ailments.

Precautions & contraindications: You must be careful when you peel a lot of papayas because of their caustic effect. The juice irritates the fingers; for this not to occur, constantly moisten your fingers and the fruit itself while peeling it. If you eat it in abundance, it might cause hives, which would require a long and difficult treatment. Besides, a hives episode might be easily aggravated if you eat any acidic vegetable or fruit. Eating the fruit without washing it might also cause hives. When cooking papaya, place it in water and let it boil. Once it boils, it is advisable to throw the water away. Consult your doctor.

Additional precautions & contraindications: There are no references to toxic reactions due to traditional use. Consult your doctor.

Mexican Ethnomedicine and Herbalist Course
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Tlahui Medic 7, 1999, desde el 25 de Agosto, 2006
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